To act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. ~Micah 6:8
It is hard to write something this week when nothing seems fitting or wise. Krista Tippett's words challenged me to be hopeful in the midst of what could lead to despair. She writes, "This is an age of devastating tumult. It is an age of magnificent possibility. Much is breaking. Much is being born. The two go hand in hand, and that is one of the deepest and strangest, most terrible and most redemptive truths." May these words comfort you and give you hope. Where do you see possibility? Where do you see brokenness? Can you hold the two at the same time? What practices helps you hold on to hope?
Hope nonetheless.
Hope despite.
Hope regardless.
Hope still.
Hope where we had ceased to hope.
Hope amid what threatens hope.
Hope with those who feed our hope.
Hope beyond what we had hoped.
Hope that draws us past our limits.
Hope that defies expectations.
Hope that questions what we have known.
Hope that makes a way where there is none.
Hope that takes us past our fear.
Hope that calls us into life.
Hope that holds us beyond death.
Hope that blesses those to come.
~Jan Richardson
Song: Peace Prayer, by Susan Gascho-Cooke
The Soil and Seed Project
Prayer: Merciful One, grant us ears to hear Your truth, hearts to discern Your will, and courage to act for justice. Instill hope, when there is no hope and peace when there is no peace.
Thanks for these hope-filled words this morning. Lois