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Advent Week Two, Day 2: Compassion


Annie Dillard, an American writer, wrote, "So once in Israel, love came to us incarnate and stood in the doorway between two worlds, and we were afraid." Bowler suggests that "maybe we were afraid because we have never been properly introduced to this kind of perfect love. We don't feel ready to be seen and fully known. But what if deep down, this is what we really want? To be loved in this deep and enduring and compassionate way, and to love that way in return."

When we are known and loved by God, we enter into an intimate relationship with Immanuel (God-with-us). God commits to live in solidarity with us, to share our joys and pains, to defend and protect us, and to suffer with us in all of life's journey. When we truly understand God's vision of compassion and service for us in this weary world, then showing compassion and service to others becomes a joyful way to live our lives.

Blessed are you Jesus,

at home in heights of heaven

where love is felt in every moment,

where all is well.

That's the place

where you began to change the world.

Not with a program or a system,

but with the absolute refusal

to let the unloved and the unlovely stay that way.

Your mind was made up, the decision made

to draw the circle larger

and loop us all in.

Blessed are you, Jesus,

who made us insiders

by the power of your

inexhaustible compassion

that loved us into belonging,

and holds us there in community with you.

Somebody fought for us, and it was you.

Somebody showed up for us,

and it was you.

Somebody gave everything for us,

and it was you.

Somebody won, and it was all for us.

~Kate Bowler

Song: He Comes by Porter's Gate featuring Molly Parden & Jonathan Ogden

Lyrics: "He Comes"

He comes, the Lord's anointed One

And we shall see His face

As clear as if the rising sun

Poured out the light of grace

He comes, and we shall hear His voice

Not as some distant sound

But tones that make the heart rejoice

When love, long lost, is found

He comes, not to the wise and great

But to the bound and poor

So low Himself that potentates

Must kneel to pass His door

He comes, with favor in his hands

Our empty souls to fill

To make a highway through the sands

And bid the storms be still

He comes, and we shall come to him

Set free from ancient chains


Compassionate God, help me to live this day to the full, being true to you, in every way.

Jesus, help me to give myself away to others, being kind to everyone I meet.

Spirit, help me to love the lost and brokenhearted, proclaiming Christ in all I do and say. Amen. (adapted from a prayer on Lectio 365, advent, Dec. 4, 2024)


  • The authors say in book, Compassion, that, "we will never really know God as a compassionate God if we do not understand with our heart and mind that 'he lived among us' (Jn 1:14)." How do you understand this statement?

  • As a spiritual practice throughout advent, find ways to show compassion for others or notice acts of compassion offered to you and others?

  • How do you experience God's love and compassion for you?


  • Bowler, K. (2024) The Weary World Rejoices: An Advent Guide from Everything Happens with Kate Bowler

  • McNeil, P. Morrison, D., Nouwen, H. (1983) Compassion. Garden City, NY: Image Books.

  • Lectio 365 - an app offering contemplative daily morning and evening prayers


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