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Day 1: Taken/Chosen


-painting by John Lautermilch

You are God's beloved, chosen out of love and created for love.

Before reading the reflection, sit quitely and take a long look at the beautiful painting by John Lautermilch. You may want to journal on how it speaks to you. Perhaps words come to mind like the following: reach, arms out-stretched, choosen, picked, taken, beauty, gathered, carried, diversity, many colors, the joy of being chosen and the delight of the person doing the choosing. Let the painting and your descriptive words bless you.

Being "chosen" in our western way of thinking implies that one is chosen while others are rejected. I remember wanting to be chosen for the softball team. While I was often chosen because I was a good hitter, others were excluded. In other instances in my life, I was not chosen and felt rejected or not good enough. Competition and comparison are often in our thoughts causing feelings of jealousy, anger, resentment, low self-esteem and much pain. These feelings can lead to manipulation, control, and violence.

"To be chosen as the Beloved of God is something radically different". It is hard to comprehend the spiritual mystery that to be chosen is never exclusive, rather it includes all people as valuable and created in God's image. Claiming the truth that we are God's chosen ones is a life-long task. We are constantly struggling with our own insecurities, self-doubt, and self-rejection.

Nouwen reminds us that, "When we claim and constantly reclaim the truth of being the chosen ones, we soon discover within ourselves a deep desire to reveal to others their own chosenness. Instead of making us feel that we are better, more precious or valuable than others, our awareness of being chosen opens our eyes to the chosenness of others. That is the great joy of being chosen: the discovery that others are chosen as well."

During the weeks of Lent, claim the gift of being chosen and be grateful. "Gratitude is the most fruitful way of deepening your consciousness that you are not an 'accident' but a divine choice" When we claim this truth, we will become more and more loving and accepting of others. As we believe in our own preciousness to God, we begin to recognize the preciousness of others.


Divine Love

I am grateful that you have chosen me as your precious child.

Help me to experience this all embracing, non-comparing love for others.

Guide me in revealing to others their own chosenness.



  1. As you gazed at the painting above by John Lautermilch, what words came to your mind? How does the painting speak to your own chosenness?

  2. Reflect on our society's emphasis on competition and comparison of each other. How have these thoughts wounded or blessed you?

  3. What is it like to believe that everyone is chosen by God and none are excluded?

  4. Express your gratefulness for being God's beloved, chosen out of love and created for love.


Nouwen, H. (1992) Life of the Beloved. Chapter 1: Taken (pp. 43-54)

2 則留言


One of the greatest "leaps" in consciousness in my SPIRITUAL JOURNEY in Contemplative Outreach with Thomas Keating is the very real and universal FACT that God loves me just as I am and where I am. As Jesus sat with the 'regular' changers, adulterers, tax collectors, the woman at the Well ...He called them to Himself. He did not condemn them. In turn, I learned, clearly, God loves everyone as much as He loves me. I need to turn to my neighbor and accept them just as they are, where they are. I have to give up my need to change them or judge them, We are all "CHOSEN' to follow Jesus and put on the Mind of Christ.…


Beautiful reflection. Yes, Thank you for your comments.

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