O Come, O Come Emmanuel,
and ransom captive Israel.
As we close week three of advent, may you "come" and draw near to Emmanuel, God-with-us. And may you also be challenged to be a welcoming presence to others as we have witnessed this week through the stories of welcome. May your heart be open and accepting of others who are radically different than yourself and invite them into your life. "Advent invites us to reawaken our awareness of this mystical presence, to welcome Christ in those who show up wherever we are." ~Joyce Rupp
Emmanuel, God-with-us, you have already come as divinity in human disguise. It is we who are to "come," to draw near to you. It is we who are to be ransomed, to move toward freedom from armored biases that form around our overly-protected hearts. Move us away from the tendency to join the destructive negativity that infiltrates our troubled society and personal relationships. Help us to out-distance the layers of adverse judgment that prevents us from welcoming those we determine as "the other." Come, yes, come Emmanuel, and ransom us. Free us from whatever imprisons our love and prevents us from being a welcoming presence. ~ Joyce Rupp
What I Mean by Blessing
is that you are welcome here
is that you are safe here
is that you can breathe here
is that you can speak here.
What I mean by blessing
is that this is a place to question
is that this is a place to dream
is that this is a place to rest
is that this is a place to sing.
What I mean by blessing
is that we hold you in your pain
is that we meet you in your fear
is that we see you in your hope
is that we take joy in you.
~Jan Richardon
Video: Enjoy this powerful welcome story by Naomi Shihab Nye - Gate 4
Song: O Come, O come, Emmanuel by Enya
Spiritual Practice: Welcoming Prayer by Father Thomas Keating
Rupp, J. (2021). Return to the Root. Notre Dame, IN: Sorin Books
Richardson, J. (2021) Illuminated 2021 An online Journey into the Heart of Christmas.
Thank you thank you!! From the moment of the seeing the two laughing, longing, rejoicing women, I felt welcomed! It always feels good to be welcomed without reserve - which is how Jesus welcomes us, though I don’t often ponder this. I also want to be a welcoming presence for others.