Have you ever made plans, and they got derailed or changed due to some unexpected news or event? Our paths are never straight and clear cut. They often take twists and turns that could not have been anticipated, often causing disappointment and grief. Our expectations and hopes are unmet.
I am making plans to lead a work team to Guatemala in March, a place where I lived for many years. I sent the group a detailed itinerary and at the top of the page, I wrote "tentative" plans. One has to be flexible when traveling to another country. Not everything will go as planned. We may not accomplish everything we hope to do. We need to be flexible and adapt to change.
The wise travelers from the East who followed a star to find Jesus didn't exactly follow a straight path or have an easy journey through the desert. They had some unforeseen detours and lost their way. They sought directions from Herod and needed to discern whether to report back to him once they found the Holy One. Though it wasn't their plan, the Magi chose a different route home after being warned in a dream.
This story offers some challenges for us in our life's journey. Are we willing to listen to the Spirit and discern alternative paths to our plans? It may mean responding to a new way of thinking or doing something that is uncomfortable. We have the assurance that God will guide and encourage us in our endeavors and will accompany us on whatever detour we encounter.
"In the new year, may you find comfort knowing that, like the Magi, a light will
guide you home. Rest in the hope that you never truly go alone--the love that
knows your name goes alongside you and before you. Let this assurance fill
you with peace and courage, open to the new and unexpected paths that
God may reveal in the days to come." ~Kayla Craig
Blessing of the Magi by Jan Richardson
There is no reversing
this road,
The path that bore you here
goes in one direction only,
every step drawing you
down a way
by which you will not
You thought arrival
was everything,
that your entire journey
ended with kneeling
in the place you had
spent all
to find.
When you laid down
your gift,
release came with such ease,
your treasure tumbling
from your hands
in awe and
Now the knowledge
of your leaving
comes like a stone laid
over your heart,
the familiar path closed
and not even the solace
of a star
to guide your way.
You will set out in fear.
You will set out in dream.
But you will set out
by that other road
that lies in shadow
and in dark.
We cannot show you
what route will
take you home;
that way is yours
and will be found
in the walking.
But we tell you,
you will wonder
at how the light you thought
you had left behind
goes with you,
spilling from
your empty hands,
shimmering beneath
your homeward feet,
illuminating the road
with every step
you take.
Song: We are not Alone, Riverside choir
Reflect back on a time when you had a change of plans. What did you learn from that experience? How did you experience God during that time?
As you enter the new year, what goals or plans have you made? If they are altered, how might you embrace the change?
Craig, K. (2024). "The Road Isn't Straight", Words for the Beginning. A Sanctified Art
J. Richardson (2015). "Blessing of the Magi", Circle of Grace.