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Finding Light in Hope, Week 1, Day 3


Lord, make us instruments of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let us sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

~prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Longing for the light is our soul's journey. In the midst of dark times, we yearn for the light. It is the gift of hope. Each of us has the Divine Light witthin us. and we are bearers of Light for one another.

In 1373, at age 30, Julie of Norwich was sick and dying. A priest was called to give her last rights. While recovering from her illness she had sixteen mystical visions, or "showings", that she wrote about and reflected upon throughout her life. In her thirteenth vision, she was given the words, "all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well." In the midst of her despair, Julian's faith and hope in God was deepened and carried her through the dark times. Julian's simple words have provided hope for millions of people for centuries.

We carry a responsibility of embodying God's message of hope in our words and actions. Often we are both receivers and bearers of Hope. On day one of this week, the story of Omar's life in the refugee camp demonstrated that hope is a decision and a practice. Through many challenges and discouragement, he chose to act with hope even when he was not feeling particulary hopeful. Sometimes others were messengers of hope for him when he lost his way. By sharing his story of not giving up hope, he inspires hope and perseverance in others.



Guardian of the seasons,

keeper of every time,

tune us so to your rhythms

that we may know

the occasion for stillness

and the moment for action.

May we be so prepared

so aware

so awakened

in our waiting

that when you prompt us

into motion,

our hands may be your hands

and our purposes

your own.

~ Jan Richardson


  1. Recall times when others were messengers of light and hope for you. How do you see yourself as a faithful bearer of hope?

  2. If you had to speak a message of hope in one sentence, what would that sentence be?

  3. This first week of advent, what was an encouragement to you? Where did you experience hope? What did you embody God's message of hope to another?


We Come, Carolyn Arends

Our hearts are empty without you;

barren and cold,

but for the bold,

hope that you yourself planted within.


In the mighty name of God,

in the saving name of Jesus,

in the strong name of the Spirit,

we come, we cry,

we watch, we wait,

we look, we long for You.

We come, we cry,

we watch, we wait,

we look, we long for You.

Sometimes we long for the morning,

for a refrain,

from etchings in pain,

yet our loneliness

draws us to you,

draws us to you.


Stoner, S. (2020). Living Well Through Advent 2020: Practicing Hope With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind. Living Compass. Living

Richardon, J. (2017) Walking the Way of Hope: A Retreat for Women's Christmas.


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