I have called you friends,
because I have revealed to you everything I heard from my Father.
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you
that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should abide.
(John 15:15-16)
When Jesus washes the feet of his disciples (even of Judas who would soon betray him) he models a love and humility that is beyond what the disciples can understand. Peter initially refuses to allow Jesus to wash his feet, but Jesus tells him, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me." Something powerful happens when the disciples receive this loving gesture of Jesus. They now have a part with him in a new and deeper way.
In his book, The Road to Daybreak, Henri Nouwen writes about the transformative love Jesus shared with his disciples and now calls us to share:
Jesus calls us to continue his mission of revealing the perfect love of God in this world. He calls us to total self-giving. He wants our love to be as full, as radical, as complete as his own. He wants us... to touch the places in each other that need washing.
After washing their feet and sharing their last meal, Jesus goes on to share (at great length) the many things he wants his disciples to remember, preparing them for what lay ahead. Throughout their years together, Jesus has revealed to them - by word and by example - how they are called to participate in God's Love for the world. He has planted the seeds of Love within them.
Recently I have begun planning what seeds I might plant in my garden: usually herbs, some annuals, and a few vegetables. As I open each envelope of seeds, I am always amazed at just how tiny most seeds are. And yet, planted in rich soil, and bathed in light and warmth, seeds will grow many, many times greater than the size of the seed. From a seed, it is almost impossible to tell what plant will emerge. New seedlings can look quite alike, but as they grow, their true identity is revealed. Some plants will give us joy in their beauty and fragrance and others will offer us flavor and nourishment.
So it is with us. We are each a unique plant in God's garden. We are born with God-seeds already in us: seeds that have the potential to grow in our own unique way. God provides Divine light and warmth, and we also tend our growing through spiritual practices and prayer. As we walk through the remainder of Holy Week and beyond, may we keep choosing to blossom into our truest being, more and more revealing our part in the full, radical, and complete love of God.
Little Things with Great Love - The Porter's Gate
In the garden of our Savior, no flower grows unseen;
His kindness rains like water on every humble seed.
No simple act of mercy escapes His watchful eye --
for there is One who loves me: His hand is over mine.
In the kingdom of the heavens, no suff'ring is unknown;
each tear that falls is holy, each breaking heart a throne.
There is a song of beauty on ev'ry weeping eye --
for there is One who loves me: His heart, it breaks with mine.
Oh, the deeds forgotten; oh, the works unseen,
every drink of water flowing graciously,
every tender mercy, You're making glorious.
This You have asked us: do little things with great love,
little things with great love.
At the table of our Savior, no mouth will go unfed;
His children in the shadows stream in and raise their heads.
O give us ears to hear them and give us eyes that see --
for there is One who loves them: I am His hands and feet.
you have revealed yourself to the world in Christ.
Now reveal yourself in me.
May your grace shine in me.
May my love be a guiding star for others.
May my words and deeds show forth
the reign of your mercy and justice.
With humility and generosity
may I offer the gifts you have given me.
The treasure chest of my soul I open
to you and to the world.
May I be a revelation of your strong, tender love,
your astounding grace,
your faithful presence.
(Pastor Steve Garnaas-Holmes)
For reflection:
Have you ever received a small expression of love from another that shifted how you viewed yourself?
Spend some time contemplating the seeds that have been planted in you.
Consider how and where you might be called to be a revelation of God's "strong and tender love" in the world around you.
Henri Nouwen, The Road to Daybreak, New York, NY: Doubleday Publishing, 1988.
Pastor Steve Garnaas-Holmes, Unfolding Light, www.unfoldinglight.net