The cup of blessing has been poured out for us, transforming us and offering us life beyond our imagining. If Easter is to come alive in us, then we too have to be prepared to be broken and poured out for our world. As we serve God and others, we show how Jesus' life, death, and resurrection continue to Easter in us.
We take wine
and drink,
as Jesus invited his friends to drink,
mindful of a relationship of love and trust
between ourselves and the Spirit of Life,
as Jesus believed,
that beyond pain and darkness and death,
life in the Spirit continues.
in ways beyond our imagining.
~Michael Morwood
Wonders that Seize Our Hearts
O God of awesome holiness,
in this quick, glad now
praise surges in us.
We seek words to carry to you
the wonders that seize our hearts.
Praise be to you for raising us
to live in this vibrant time,
on this nurturing earth,
with these caring friends
as warriors of compassion,
witnesses to justice,
revelers in joy.
We rejoice to be alive!
We rejoice in your presence!
We rejoice for the healing of wounds,
the stirring of dreams,
the surging of strengths,
the gushing of laughter,
the cleansing of tears,
the easing of shame,
the singing of songs,
the deepening of silence,
the urging of stars.
So we rejoice that the rhythms of our lives
mysteriously catch the cadences of your grace
and, again and again, forever,
we are raised by you to life with you;
through Christ our Lord.
~Ted Loder
Song: Welcome Holy Spirit, by Girl Named Tom
Loder, T. (2000). My Heart in My Mouth. Philadelphia, PA: Innisfree Press, Inc.
Morewood, M. (2004). Praying a New Story. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books