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WELCOME TO THE ADVENT RETREAT Week 1: Longing for Light - Hope


God will enter into your night,

as the ray of the sun enters

into the dark, hard earth,

driven right down

to the roots of the tree,

and there, unseen, unknown,

unfelt in the darkness,

filling the tree with life,

a sap of fire

will suddenly break out,

high above that darkness,

into living leaf and flame.

~Caryll Houselander

Darkness often gets a bad reputation; however, it is a natural part of life and an essential element for growth and health. Holy darkness bears a touch of God’s grace and transforms us if we are open to its gifts.

New life begins in the dark. The seeds of the earth need darkness in order to germinate and grow. Many animals hibernate and some birth their young in winter's darkness. We are all formed in the darkness of our mother's womb. After a long day of work, we look forward to turning off the light and sleeping in the darkness to be renewed. Without the darkness, we could not see the amazing display of the stars, moon and planets. Holy darkness renews, restores, and revitalizes our hope.

Darkness can also be destructive and comes in many forms: wars, racism, divisions, greed, and damage due to climate change. The darkness of our doubts, fears, grief, brokenness, anxieties, depression and loneliness often shatters hope.

Hope does not wait until we are ready for it, until we have prepared ourselves for its arrival. It comes in unexpected ways. Hope seeks us out and stands with us in the difficulties we face. It is persistent and perseveres. Richardson suggests that "Hope has work for us to do. It asks us to resist going numb when the world within us and around us is falling apart. In the height of our darkness, hope calls us to open our hearts, our eyes, our hands, that we might engage the world when it breaks our hearts. Hope goes with us, step by step. offering to us the manna it holds."

Hope is believing Christ's light will seep into the darkness in unexpected ways bringing healing and wholeness. During this advent journey, open your heart, eyes, ears, and hands to signs of hope within and around you. Be actively present to the moment, expecting new things to happen far beyond what you can imagine.


Light our way as we wait in the darkness during this advent season.

Help us to be present to the moment and open to something new.

Gift us with hope for ourselves and for our broken world.

Song: Christ Be Our Light by Bernadette Farrell-Frank Brownstead

Longing For Light, We Wait In Darkness.

Longing For Truth, We Turn to You.

Make Us Your Own,

Your Holy People,

Light For The World To See.

Christ, Be Our Light!

Shine In Our Hearts.

Shine Through The Darkness.

Christ, Be Our Light!

Shine In Your Church Gathered Today.

Longing For Peace, Our World Is Troubled.

Longing For Hope, Many Despair.

Your Word Alone Has Power To Save Us.

Make Us Your Living Voice.

Longing For Food,

Many Are Hungry.

Longing For Water, Many Still Thirst.

Make Us Your Bread, Broken For Others,

Shared Until All Are Fed.

Longing For Shelter,

Many Are Homeless.

Longing For Warmth, Many Are Cold.

Make Us Your Building, Sheltering Others,

Walls Made Of Living Stone.

Many The Gifts, Many The People,

Many The Hearts That Yearn To Belong.

Let Us Be Servants To One Another,

Making Your Kingdom Come.

Christ, Be Our Light!

Shine In Our Hearts. Shine Through The Darkness.

Christ, Be Our Light!

Shine In Your Church Gathered Today.

Questions to ponder:

  1. How did hope come to you in a time when you felt hopeless? What invitation did it hold for you? What did this hope enable you to do?

  2. What signs of hope have you experienced this week?

  3. Contemplate the destructive darkness in our world – racism, sexism, classism, poverty, violence, war, greed, etc. Imagine Christ’s Light dispelling the destructive darkness. 


  • Houselander, C. (1976). The Reed of God, 8th ed. London: Sheed & Ward, Ltd.

  • Richardson, J. (2017). "Walking the way of Hope: A retreat for Women's Christmas."

  • Rupp, J. & Wiederkehr. M. (2005). Circle or Life, Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press


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